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November 20, 2020

I wish to share with my at-large readership my November monthly letter sent to subscribers. We are in extraordinary times and next week will be our first Thanksgiving holiday during Covid. With my warmest wishes, Athena

Happy Holidays, Everyone!

I hope my note finds you well and in the best spirits that you can possibly be. We are in this together, are we not? Indeed, this Pandemic Holiday Season is a first. Twenty twenty-one, though, is on track to be our breakthrough year with vaccines. But before we can get there, keep holiday gatherings to a minimum, starting with Thanksgiving next week. Keep the masks on, too. Because sadly, the country is back to Square A with new cases now surpassing numbers at the beginning of the crisis. Like hanging garlic on doors repels blood-sucking vampires (for real, according to Eastern European lore), wearing masks, social distancing, and washing hands can stop Covid-19’s quick and deadly spread.

My heart goes out each day to our heroic medical personnel and essential workers who haven’t stopped for a minute to provide needed services and to save lives stricken by the virus, including those who still don’t believe Covid is real. Even as they lie helpless in hospital beds, some can’t let go of their anger and ask nurses and doctors why they are wearing all that protective gear. When a healthy 28-year old ER doctor fell severely ill with the virus, people called him a hoax. If they could just put a cap on that anger, take a deep breath, and appreciate the sacrifices these Angels are making.

Thanksgiving’s arrival cannot be at a better time. Whether making turkey dinner from scratch, or bringing home a take-out Thanksgiving meal, let’s all grasp hands for a virtual kumbaya moment.

Be well, Everyone, be grateful every day, and Happy Thanksgiving!


“This is your country, and it’s up to you to save it.” – English translation of a saying in Taiwan

Washing Hands + Wearing a Mask + Social Distancing = Saving Lives



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