The holidays are here, and we’ve almost gone through all the seasons with the pandemic. As I have written diary entries pretty much daily since mid-March, I decided to look at my earliest photos and read my earliest entries to see how far we have come.
Eerily, we have come full circle. That is, states are locking down again because Covid-19 is still out of control. Sadly, our country lacks the willingness of 100% of the population, or near that, to wear masks and social distance.
In Taiwan, the citizens get it. They understand and appreciate that wearing masks in public respects the health of everyone. The simple gesture of covering up allows them to enjoy life quite normally, including sitting at coffee shops as well as keeping businesses and restaurants open. In March, a “Covid taxi” program began offering pick-up service at airports for people returning from travels to assist with self-imposed quarantine protocols.
Soon after the pandemic broke out – and in the spirit of New York City’s “7:00 p.m. Cheer” honoring the selfless efforts of healthcare personnel and essential workers –- I rounded up my compassionate neighbors to step outside their homes each night. For one minute we clapped our hands, clanged on pots and pans, whistled, played instruments, and blasted music as a symbol of gratitude to these unsung heroes for sacrificing their own lives to save the lives of others, for keeping grocery shelves stocked, and for helping with delivery and mail services. Our “Cheer” went on for two straight months. An unexpected takeaway was enriching our relationships.
If everyone could show care for one another by taking responsibility on their own…
This is your country, and it’s up to you to save it.” – English translation of a saying in Taiwan
Washing Hands + Wearing a Mask + Social Distancing = Saving Lives