This morning I replied to an email from my friend Jeannie in Paris, France. Unlike here, grocery stores are few and far between in the City of Light. But, leave it to Madame Jeannie, she managed to find a store that will deliver -- although she must still go there to select her goods and pay for them. It’s all about walking in Paris. Grocery shopping in the time of coronavirus is a new reality. Paris’ old apartment buildings are stunningly beautiful. But they don’t have elevators.
I also emailed our German friend Ralph, who, good thing, did an unforgettable California road trip recently with his wife and daughter. He’s an engineer who travels to southern California regularly for work. The road trip was his wife’s and daughter’s first time to the states. What a great time they had – especially when we went to Hollywood! I hope they are safe and well.
I am starting to see that some countries in Europe are looking to lift restrictions and reopen some businesses. Even the U.S. has begun making such plans. It goes without saying that we are all anxious to get back on our feet. But I view this with some trepidation. I ain’t going back to life as usual until I know it is safe. I am happy to social distance as long as it is necessary -- even if Nordstrom is having the sale of the century.