Before leaving the house for essential outings yesterday, I read the sad news of a family barbecue in Texas where all six attendees contracted Covid-19 within a week, then spread it to eight other family members. Two elders caught it. One died and the other is on a ventilator. The host of the party was hospitalized in acute condition.
With Covid running rampant, why did they gather in the first place?
“I admit traveling deep into the conspiracy trap over COVID-19,” wrote the host of the gathering about his family’s tragedy. He said he was a denier of Covid and used to mock people for wearing masks and social distancing. Not anymore.
Then a friend of ours told us yesterday that her neighbor has parties every weekend with a house full of people.
On the other hand, we continue with our own self-imposed stay-at-home measures. Tempting as it may be to dine out with newly established outdoor dining options at restaurants, we choose instead to cook our own meals. And we wander from home only if necessary.

Yesterday, after dropping off Lola at the vet in Pasadena to check on possible onset of arthritis, we ran other errands, including a stop at Seed Bakery in Altadena to restock on fresh made kamut and rustic bread. The popular bakery had a long canopy erected on the sidewalk to shade customers, and because of Covid, purchases are transacted at the doorway where a table is set up and a curtain of crystal-clear plastic with a vertical slit hung as added protection between the cashier and the customer.
I had a taste for fresh-baked cookies and asked if they had any. “You can check what we have at the window,” the attendant replied. The high window was not designed for displaying goods. So, I stood on my tippy toes to check out the sweet stuff, but I didn’t see any cookies; however, my eyes landed on a tiny 4-1/2-inch-round and 2-1/2-inch-high coconut cake. A little treat never hurts during Covid times.
And as coronavirus updates pop up practically every hour, the World Health Organization now says that the spread of the coronavirus may not be seasonal as it continues to resurge around the globe.
So then, what’s the key to controlling the spread of Covid?
Personal responsibility and human behavior. Translation: Damn it, wear a mask and stand at least six feet from one another.