Gorgeous colorful blooms inside our home have lasted over a week. Each day I have felt like the luckiest person in the world to wake up to this uplifting palette. Suddenly I am reminded that today is the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere.
Last Saturday, Jacqueline picked up fresh flowers at the farmers market for a dinner gathering we were hosting. While Louie and I worked in the kitchen, she did her magic “planting” the flowers around the house rummaging through the cupboards finding vessels of all shapes and sizes. I never imagined that flowers on top of the water cooler could transform the mud room. Or a cluttered corner on the kitchen counter – or that there is space on the windowsill for a flower vase.
Last year when our friends hosted dinner, we brought our young Paloma, an English Cream Golden Retriever, who couldn’t wait to wrestle with Gus, a Labrador Retriever. With a stern bark he instantly schooled Paloma that he is an old guy who can’t play like a puppy. Paloma instantly heeded the call and entertained herself quietly the rest of the night by exploring every inch of their backyard on her own. This time around they remembered each other like old friends.
Spring is also the onset for Daylight Savings Time. Before the night was over, my friend reminded me to turn the clocks forward. After losing an hour of sleep, we all had a hard time waking up the next morning. Including Paloma.
