So heartbroken that our bag of coffee from Chiapas, Mexico, is almost empty – as in gone. I will miss the glorious citrus and floral aromas wafting from the brew percolating in my coffee maker. Our neighbors, Rick and Elva, surprised us with this most thoughtful gift when they returned from a recent trip. The bag reads, “Es mucho el orgullo que sentimos cuando compartimos este cafe, creado exclusivamente para Mexico,” which translates to: We feel much pride when we share this coffee, created exclusively for Mexico.
I tried to make it last as long as I could, but alas, the time is near. The least I can do is enjoy the last drops in my favorite coffee cups from Paris and Buenos Aires. The next time I go to Mexico I must pick up my own stash.
Or beg my neighbors for more.
What can I say? Your headline and your photograph just grabbed me.