I was frustrated yesterday because our scheduled bottled water delivery didn’t happen – and we were down to the last few drops in the water cooler. I usually receive a text message the day before reminding me to put out my “empties,” that is empty bottles. I realized that I had not received the text.
It was already late afternoon. So, when I made a quick stop at the local market to pick up a few things, I passed the bottled water display and bought a reserve jug. Then I recalled that a similar delay happened with last month’s delivery. I immediately went online to register my peeve. The response: Unable to respond immediately; calling the 800 number could provide faster service. I called. The reply? Unable to respond at this time. That’s it. I’m changing companies. Then Louie reminded me that we’re in the time of Covid. Maybe they’re short-staffed, he said. Later in the evening I received a text apologizing for the non-delivery, but that it would arrive August 19 (today). Will my reserve jug last until late afternoon, our normal delivery time?
And as I was pouring coffee grounds into my percolator at the crack of dawn this morning, what do I hear? The truck delivering our water. Should I go out and ask the delivery guy if they are short-staffed? Of course not. There are bigger things to cry about. After the truck left, I peeked out the door to make sure the correct number of bottles were delivered. It was perfect, including what appeared to be a “thank-you-for-your-patience” goodie bag.

While fretting about bottled water, we also watched coverage of the virtual Democratic National Convention. I also plan to watch the Republican National Convention next week. In just its first few days, pulling off a virtual Covid-era DNC has been masterful and energizing. So far, I think I like this format more than the crowded conventions of yesteryear.
A presidential election in the middle of a pandemic has created loads of challenges, especially the organization of the national conventions -- when the hoopla of traditional convention gatherings has been nixed to prevent dangerous spread of the coronavirus.
To be humble, to be kind, to respect others, to work hard, to see the beauty in every person and everything around us were ethics my parents taught my siblings and me growing up. So many speeches at the convention addressed these moral principles head on and it made me feel hopeful again – something we have all needed as Covid wreaks havoc on every household in the country.
My early morning walks this week reminded me that unity is the only way we can recover. We need to keep each other safe from the virus, we need to share resources, we need to support one another – and we all need to be the best that we can be.