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October 17, 2021: Sharing Space


Twice in the last week while taking walks, I crossed paths with this handsome buck. It’s humbling sharing space with wildlife.

Two deer roaming the foothills

But not always…



Barbara Place
Barbara Place
Oct 17, 2021

Hi Athena, These are great pics. I unsubscribed from one of your newsletters because I was getting two. These are hard times for me. My husband has end-stage dementia and is under hospice care, so I look forward to your constant rays of optimism.

Athena Lucero
Athena Lucero
Oct 17, 2021
Replying to

Dear Barbara,

Thank you for taking the time to write your lovely note. It validates why I felt the need to post it this morning. My husband, Louie, and I understand the tough time you are facing (we experienced something similar with our beloved uncle). If my post could provide some solace, I am comforted knowing that. Your husband has been one of the lucky ones to live a full life with you at his side. Please know that we send prayers to both of you. While we have not been able to meet you in person (yet), we feel as though we know you through Teresa! If ever you are in Los Angeles, we would love to have you…

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