And we wonder why the U.S. doesn’t have a handle on the spread of the coronavirus. If the recent experience of one person who crossed the U.S.-Canada border both ways and at the same checkpoint is a sampling of what American inspectors don’t do on the U.S. side, God help us.
Reading David Frum’s story about his border crossing last July 4 holiday (he holds Canadian and U.S. passports) showed the difference between the leadership of a country that takes the pandemic seriously and the other that does not.
The frightening takeaway from his story?
Upon entering Canada, Drum met for 15 minutes with one official who wore a high-quality face mask. She asked him to remove his mask briefly so that she could see his face. He was questioned about his reasons for coming into Canada, what items were in his truck (personal belongings) and how he would quarantine while in the country. He was also asked questions about his activities as they pertain to pandemic safety practices. During his two weeks of isolating, he received text messages or robocalls about his compliance with quarantine guidelines.
His experience with U.S. agents upon returning to Washington, D.C.? None of the – eight -- agents with whom he met wore masks. One agent told him to keep his mask off during the entire time they spoke. Really?
Not one agent asked him about Covid-19. Not even quarantine requirements. But they did question him about marijuana, weapons, and cash. As he bounced from one set of agents to the next, the 50-minute border inspection included in-depth discussion of what was in his truck (personal items) and an x-ray of the vehicle.
Kudos to Canada for taking care of its citizens. As for the U.S.? Not so much.
Now now.
Washing Hands + Wearing a Mask + Social Distancing = Saving Lives
We are doomed!