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January 9, 2021

It was only a matter of time that we would learn the all-important low-down about how to maintain a Covid-19 bubble. In an article I read this morning, medical experts say that as the coronavirus rages at its worst, people can still enjoy small social circles outside family units – but only if it’s done correctly.

We often hear people talk about their bubbles, that is, friends and family with whom they regularly get together and share meals without masks. But with the current climate of Covid-19 closing in on just about all of us these days as we see more friends and more family infected, carelessly structured bubbles can make the difference between life and death.

Dr. Sadiya Khan, epidemiologist and assistant professor of medicine at Northwestern University of Feinberg School of Medicine, stresses that bubbles should be kept small. “Your bubble consists of everybody that your entire bubble is in contact with. So even if you’re only including one other person in your bubble, but that person has 10 people in their bubble, you’ve now got 11 people in your bubble.

In order for bubbles to be safe, everyone in the bubble must be on the same page and follow the same rules:

  • Don’t socialize with anyone outside the bubble – especially not indoors.

  • Wear a mask around anyone outside your bubble if you’re outdoors.

  • Always wear a mask in public – whether you are indoors or outdoors.

  • Set rules on risky activities such as restaurant dining or going to the gym.

The safest bubble says Dr. Khan? “…just the people you live with and need to interact with for ongoing care,” like a babysitter.

We’re with Dr. Khan. Our bubble will continue to be our immediate family.

Sooner than later, we hope, the time will come when we can gather more freely and safely. But until then – we should all know this by now -- people can spread the virus even if they don’t show symptoms. What’s that saying?

Better safe than sorry.

This is your country, and it’s up to you to save it.” – English translation of a saying in Taiwan

Washing Hands + Wearing a Mask + Social Distancing = Saving Lives


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